Sunday, February 7, 2010

Value Dam Trolls How Many Of You DO NOT Have A TV?

How many of you DO NOT have a TV? - value dam trolls

For about 10 years ago have no television. Then I had one to hear a family member to live with me.

I still have a strong aversion by the dam * ed thing, but I see some value (baseball!) Is it not much more than it is.



Fairenhi... said...

I stopped watching television. It is the strangest thing. I finally found Thatta repeat everything. The parcels shall be re-used items for reuse, including sporting events seem to be repetitions. Then one day I stopped to watch and I feel like I'm missing something. I always have movies from time to time, usually because they try to be original, but I do not see more TV.

Valerie said...

Well, I did not have TV in my bathroom.

I do not watch television during the day, but movies w my family. My daughter would watch TV all day, but took a penalty (also seized computers and stereo) attempt to log on to I will not let you in any cat at any time.

Sinthyia said...

I have one, but curiously, 95% of the time on the volume, but is silenced! What is strange is that? I have not seen the television for a year. I also see the History Channel, Discovery, National Geographic or A & E. occationally an HBO movie (I get it free as part of a package), sci-fi or "Law & Order on TNT or the USA (ever seen to have first time running on the network). What is it strange? mostly watch DVDs, 75% of them are documentaries, I know I'm weird!

churchof... said...

I Cartoon Network, because I am a monster of a battalion. Otherwise, change, not the channel, the rest is unimportant and uninteresting.

ACQUASs said...

I have 1

coastie said...

I can not live without television, is my best friend! hahaha (J / K)

Mr. Bradshaw said...

I do not. Not need it, either. I think I can get all the news you need from the network or document, and if I'm bored, I go and do something (move, the library, hanging with friends) than watching TV and saw one of the nothing gazillion worth.

titansee... said...

I have a TV and I have almost all cable and me .... not see. How sad that

Jery said...

I own a TV, but I think these reactions are not very representative, as the fact that all responders still a computer and the Internet.

johndeer... said...

Well, I have 6 TV lol

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